It's tax return time again and we just recently got ours which brought us to 81% of our 6-month emergency fund. Yay! To celebrate, I decided to scratch my shopping itch and hit the Goodwill Outlet to see what kinds of goodies I could find. So now just pretend that you're a friend who has come over to visit me and I'm saying, "Hey! Check out what I bought today!!"
Above are a few picture frames that I'll be using as part of a project sometime this month, along with a fruit basket, a pretty storage box, and another piece of art on canvas that I will be repurposing at some point in the future.
Love this skirt! It's frilly and fun and sophisticated too.
And when I brought it home I happened to discover that it perfectly matched this other Goodwill Outlet top I purchased a few months back!
And wouldn't you know it? It matched this one too! It was like fashion nirvana. I was positively giddy.
This top is Aeropostale and I just loved that little owl and all the leaves.
I love brightly-colored sweaters because you wear sweaters in winter and it's always so cold and gray in winter. I gotta at least see some color when I look in the mirror!
A great brown velour track jacket (I love zip-ups for spring and fall- great for layering!) and an oatmeal-colored v-neck tee that's the nice long lean shape I like.
So that's just a few of the things I bought with my $20!
Wait, just a few you say?
Yes, not pictured here are another sweater and 18 more books.
Yes, 18.
I don't want to bore you that much! But just in case you were wondering, I got some great books for the kids (workbooks, princess books, touch-and-feel book for Little Boo), a book on fun activities and crafts to do with preschoolers, a couple of books for an upcoming project (which, of course, I will share with you when I'm done), and 6 books that I am selling on craigslist that should bring in $20 if they all sell.
Yes, $20. That should pay for my little shopping spree today.
Thanks for stopping by, friend! Have you found any awesome deals lately??
Great deals and great eye for fashion! Love it.