And the winners are...
1st Place: Alyssa, of
Live. Love. Craft. I'm so glad that Alyssa won! She's a fantastic young lady with a terrific blog and a heart of gold (not to mention oodles of creative talent!)! Congratulations, Alyssa!
2nd Place: Lyness! A great friend and a phenomenal mom. Congratulations, Lyness!
3rd Place: Alicia! Alicia and I go waaaaay back. Like, Dark Ages, seriously. She is also a phenomenal mom and can always make me smile! Congratulations, Alicia!
I will be contacting all of you to choose your prizes!
FYI, winners were selected by making a numbered list of every comment (16), then putting tallies by each for the numbers of entries received. I then wrote the numbers on slips of paper- for example, since my 7th commenter had 3 entries, I wrote '7' on 3 slips of paper and tossed them in the box (there were a few duplicate comments and comments that were 'outside the contest' that I excluded from the box). Numbers were then drawn at random.
Okay, so maybe you didn't win my giveaway. Are ya bummed? Well DON'T BE! Because today I'm going to show you how EASY it is to make your own infinity scarf and flower!! Yes, I know that it makes me a lousy businesswoman to show you how to make something that I'm trying to sell, but I prefer to be a friend first, businesswoman second.
If, however, you prefer to purchase a set (or anything else) from
my etsy shop, I'll help you out- For one week you can use the code THANKS300 to get 20% off your entire order in my shop for the rest of the month of August! A little thank you gift from me to you. 'Cuz I love ya. Anything that doesn't get claimed as a prize from the giveaway will be listed within the next few days (plus even more goodies).
On to the TUTORIAL.
For those of you who have been following me for awhile, you will probably see that this is very similar to the
Felt Flower Clip tutorial I did a few months ago. If anything seems confusing to you here, just check out that tutorial (I had a few additional photos in that one) and it may help clarify.
Quick, go grab an old t-shirt. Doesn't have to be yours. Raid your husband's drawer. One without side seams is preferable, but not mandatory.
Find one? Good. Now get scissors. Good, sharp ones.
Got 'em? Great. Now plug in your glue gun. Let it heat up. It's time to start cutting! (insert evil laughter here)

Step 1. Shirt. Check.

Step 2. Cut bottom seam off shirt. I cut way above my bottom seam because this shirt had some stains on it. Goodbye stains!

3. Cut off rest of bottom of shirt, usually just below the arms. Now you have a big loop. Stretch it.

Ta-da! Infinity scarf!
On to flower! (Yes, you may wear your scarf while you make your flower.)

Step 1. Use extra shirt material and cut it into circles. I just do this freehand- try it, it's easier than you'd think! They do not have to be perfect. Do several layers at a time. Makes it go faster and the fabric is easier to handle that way. Give me 10 circles, ladies!

2. Glue gun nice and hot? Yes? Good. Stick a dab of glue in the center of a circle. Fold it in half. Put another dab of glue on the halved circle and fold it in half again. When you're done, it should look like this. (Don't they look like they should be hopping around and meeping?) Leave one circle unfolded for the base!

3. Prep your clip. (By the way, you don't have to do a clip. You can always just make the flower and then pin it.) I happened to have felt, but if you don't that's fine. You just need to sandwich the top part of your clip between two pieces of fabric. Clip one piece of fabric in the clip, then put hot glue on it, then stick your other piece on top. This is the underside of my clip.

4. Flip it over and start gluing down your petals! Fit them together just like this. Do your second layer of petals so they overlap the lines between this first layer.

5. For your center, cut off the bottom corner of one of your petals. That gives the glue something to hold on to. Glue it right in the center, standing straight up.

Ta-da! Flower hair clip! Now, if you want to get a little fancy, here's another technique you can try...

1. Take your fabric circles (for your petals) and fold in half.

2. Fold 1/3 over to center.

3. Fold other 1/3 over to center, so they overlap (do you love the dried hot glue on my thumbnail?)

4. Use your scissors and round the corners

5. Open it up and you'll have this! If you use these for your petals, you can use the same method in step #2 of the flower clip instructions- just fold them in fourths. The layering looks really cool and makes for a more flowery flower.
Ta-da! Finished scarf and clip set. Go, my little crafters. Go and make your own and rejoice in your craftiness!!!
Are you going to try one? Leave a comment and let me know how it goes!!
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