Okay, so these images may not be laugh-out-loud funny, but if you're a mom, you should at least be able to offer an empathetic sigh.
My daugher is messy. Every day, and in every way, she is just messy. See Exhibit A: The Cupcake:

I personally see this photo as a very accurate representation of my daughter's personality as a whole.
Exhibit B: When Markers Attack:
Exhibit C: Mud Monster:

I hate to say this, but yes, her mouth is open. And full of mud. I am guessing from her expression that she has realized that this was not a wise move on her part.
Exhibit D: When Markers Attack II: Red Revenge:

At least in this one she seems to be smiling apologetically, as if to say, "Yep, Mom. I did it again. Oops."
Oh well. I love her, whether she's covered in mud, food, or even if she's all different colors. She's still my little princess and I will probably be cleaning her up for the next 16 years. :-)
Please say I'm not alone in the mess department here- any messy kid stories or photos to share?
Audrey is too funny!