Monday, December 1, 2008

What Happened to Spiritual Sunday?

Many of you probably noticed the absence of a Spiritual Sundays post yesterday, and that is because our simple 6-hour trip back from our Thanksgiving weekend in West Virginia turned into a 8 1/2-hour headache! We managed to hit four different traffic jams, and it was raining the whole way and I was sick to boot (yes, ANOTHER cold!) and by the time we finally got home, just about the only thing I was able to do was heat up some soup for dinner, put the kids to bed, and crash. 

But, the good thing about the long drive was that I had 8 1/2 hours to write lots of posts in my head, so you can look forward to many traffic-jam-inspired pieces of literature in the near future (hopefully they will not reflect my actual mood at the time of the traffic jam!), including a special 3-part Christmas edition of Spiritual Sundays starting next Sunday. 

So don't despair- Spiritual Sundays shall return!

How was your holiday travel? Easy or excruciating? Leave a comment and let's commiserate! 

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Comments make me happy. Nice to know I'm not just sitting here talking to myself. So, thank you!