Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Thanks for the Advice!

Yes, that's my 4-month baby belly!

Thanks to those of you who commented on my Super Saturday post when I asked for a little advice in the maternity clothes bargain-hunting department!

Texaus Momma- I had not thought of peasant skirts! $12 at Sam's huh? I love wearing skirts in the summer because they are so breezy and cool. And your comment inspired me to dig out a peasant skirt I hadn't worn in about a year to wear to church on Sunday- I loved it! So comfy! Great advice!

Sod Fam (Brooke)- Thanks for the support! I have a sister-in-law that just had her third and final child, and she and I are about the same size, only she's shorter than me (oh, the curse of being tall!), so maybe I can talk her into "donating" some of her maternity clothes to me...hmm...

SmallHouse (Sandra)- No Shopkos around here, but I had completely forgotten that Kohl's carried maternity clothes- thanks for the reminder! There's one right up by the Kroger I where I shop, so I will definitely be checking over there this week to see what they've got. 

Richelle- Yeah, I haven't had too much luck with finding things secondhand. Borrowing is a tempting option, though! ;-)

Thanks again to everyone for the advice, and if anyone else out there has ideas for me, bring 'em on! I'm open to suggestions. And by the way, I'm wearing that $40 pair of pants right now, and they are ohhhh so comfy. I hate to admit it, but I think they might have been worth the forty bucks...might have... ;-)

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Comments make me happy. Nice to know I'm not just sitting here talking to myself. So, thank you!