Friday, February 13, 2009

12th and 13th Day of Valentines: Poetry and Games!

For day twelve I used my "wordsmithing skills" and penned a twelve-line poem for my love. I will not divluge the details of that poem as it is between me and my Valentine (and really, it might make you cringe with its 4th-grade rhymes!).

For today I am playing off the idea of Friday the 13th being an unlucky day and I left my sweetie a note that read, "Some say that Friday the 13th is a day of bad luck...let's test that theory tonight with a stay-at-home date night of fun and games. And you never might even get lucky... ;-)"

Well, we've pretty much reached the end! For tomorrow I will just present my hubby with his "big" Valentines gift- a well-deserved gift card to his favorite sporting goods store. Oh, and I'm planning on making him a special breakfast of french toast (the french are very romantic, you know) using this decadent recipe

I hope you have all enjoyed these 14 days! I have been so pleased to read your kind comments about the nice things you've been doing for your sweethearts, and I hope we can all keep it up- not just during the 14 Days, but whenever our romances need a little boost. Remember,

 "Love has no desire but to fulfill itself. To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving." -- Kahlil Gibran

For more love quotations, check out The Quote Garden. Oh, and in the past I have used quotations as one of my days of Valentines. Just so you know. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, tomorrow is the big day. What will your gift be? Can't wait to find out.
    Have a great day.


Comments make me happy. Nice to know I'm not just sitting here talking to myself. So, thank you!