Thursday, October 30, 2008

We Have 2 Winners! And some blog updates...

Congratulations to Lacy and Nanci, the lucky winners of $3/$15 CVS coupons! As always, I was pleased and grateful for the wonderful response to the giveaway. Thanks to all of you who visited and left a kind comment about my posts- your comments inspire me to keep writing and help me to make my blog better. 

Come back soon- starting on November 1st I will be doing 12 days of Christmas, and each day there will be a new beautiful thrifty Christmas gift idea! Make this Christmas simple, thrifty and thoughtful-  you should have everyone crossed off your Christmas gift list by November 12th!

I am also nearing my 100th post, and in blogging tradition, I will post 100 things about me, for anyone who wants to get to know me better. And as always, keep an eye out for Easy Deals of the Week, Spiritual Sundays, and photos of the great deals I get! Makeover Mondays will also be returning following the 12 Days of Christmas. 

Have a Beautiful Thrifty Day!

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Comments make me happy. Nice to know I'm not just sitting here talking to myself. So, thank you!