Sunday, September 7, 2008

Spiritual Sundays

Because spirituality is such an important aspect of my life, I would be remiss if I did not include it somewhere in my blog. Sundays are days of rest and reflection for me (well, as much as possible with 2 crazy kiddos running around!) and my reflections on this day frequently involve my gratitude at the many blessings I have been given by a loving Father in Heaven. 

I am so blessed to have a beautiful home, a beautiful family, and a truly beautiful life. I am grateful that the Lord has seen fit to bless me with an intellect sufficient to balance the many aspects of my life, especially managing my family's finances. I firmly believe that when we are doing things in accordance with His will that He will bless us with the means and guidance to accomplish them. What better way to honor our husbands than by making the most of the money they work so hard to provide, and in doing so to honor God by making the most of His gifts unto us. He is there and ready to help us to do so, if only we ask.

Just last week I had an experience that showed me that His hand is present even when my brain is not! I try to always pray before I shop, not to get the best deals, but to be smart with my resources and be able to accomplish the task at hand to the best of my abilities such that I can bless my family. Well, this particular day I was at CVS and I wasn't finding what I needed, so my "master plan" was not working out. CVS shopping takes a lot of planning, and when your plan gets holes in it, it requires a lot of quick thinking and recalculating. Needless to say, having a restless 2-year-old and 4-year-old does not facilitate the process! So, more or less, I just gave up and grabbed what I had and decided I'd figure it out at the register. 

I got up to the register and tried to halfway stick to my original plan using 2 transactions. I placed the items for the first transaction on the counter, and as she rung them up I glanced at the screen on the card reader. On an impulse, I tossed one more item from the cart on there. The total after I paid with ECBs? $0.06! Then I placed the remainder of my items on the counter, and the second grand total after ECBs? $0.33. It had worked out perfectly, even with my half-scatterbrained approach. I said a silent prayer of thanks, because I knew that it was not serendipity- is was divine guidance. 

Have you said your prayers of gratitude today? Have a beautiful thrifty week!

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Comments make me happy. Nice to know I'm not just sitting here talking to myself. So, thank you!