Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MIA and Pay It Forward

I have to apologize for being somewhat MIA these last few days. I've just been trying to get a routine going now that oldest is in preschool, and it's hard to find the time to balance everything! I did discover something pretty great last week though- I can do all my deals shopping on one day now!

See, there is a Walgreens and a Rite Aid right across the street from the preschool, and last week I found out that 5 minutes down the road there is CVS, Kroger, and Food Lion! I must have really lucked out because there's also a Tuesday Morning (a great discount store) and a Goodwill nearby. So my goal now is to get all my deals together on Sunday night, and then get my shopping done Monday morning or Tuesday morning. The other benefit to this (besides getting it all done in one fell swoop) is that I have a higher chance of items being in stock, and I can take advantage of CVS's Sunday-Monday only deals. 

I actually had a good experience on Monday at Kroger- I decided to check and see if the Glade plug-ins deal was still working (buy one at $1.79, get a $2 catalina). Well, it did work! I bought 2, used my buy one get one free coupon, only paid for one and got $4 back. I was so pleased that I took all my groceries out to the car and then went back in to get 2 more. They only had 2 left, so I got those, and then I realized that it would only come to $1.79 (I was going to use another B1G1 coupon) so I got 2 more things of ice cream they had on sale for $0.99. After paying with the $4 catalinas, my total was $0! 

As I was walking out of the store, I thought about how blessed I was, and I suddenly felt strongly that I needed to share my blessings with others. I saw a lady coming in the store with her leg in a cast. She had some kind of a brace on the other leg, and her clothes looked shabby and worn. She just looked tired. On an impulse (which I'm sure was of divine origin) I stopped her and handed her the $4 catalinas, saying I had just gotten them and she could use them for anything in the store. She looked a little surprised, but she took them and thanked me.

I hope that she was able to use them, and I hope that maybe I had made her burden just a little bit lighter that day. I guess I may never really know, but it felt really good to give back. Kind of a way to show Heavenly Father my gratitude for all that he's given me. I know, it was only 4 bucks, but maybe it made a difference to someone else.

Hope you all are having a beautiful thrifty week, and I will post some Easy Deals later today!

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Comments make me happy. Nice to know I'm not just sitting here talking to myself. So, thank you!