Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Just Kidding...

I know I posted before that I was moving all my couponing posts to my other blog, but this blog is my baby, and since it is my main blog and I don't feel like keeping up with 2 different blogs, I'm just going to keep everything in one place! So periodically I will post here with some good deals I've gotten (hey, bragging is half the fun of couponing!), and of course I will continue with the Easy Deals of the Week. 

For those of you who aren't into the couponing thing, I just ask that you glance at my couponing posts, feel the appropriate amount of awe at the amazing deals, and then move on to my other money-saving ideas. For those of you who are avid couponers, this will be a fun addition, because now you can feel the joy right along with me!

Let the couponing begin!

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Comments make me happy. Nice to know I'm not just sitting here talking to myself. So, thank you!