Thursday, September 11, 2008

Congratulations to the Winners of the CVS Coupon Giveaway!

Wow! What a fantastic response to this giveaway! I had more than twice the number of entries that I had in my first giveaway, and I got such wonderful comments from all of you. I truly appreciate your feedback and your positive support. 

A big congrats to Megan, Crystal, and Jenna, the big winners of 2 $3/$15 CVS coupons each! They have all been notified by e-mail. A big thank you to everyone who participated! 

Be sure to check back here frequently for more giveaways, as well as Easy Deals, Thrifty Treats, and some meaty posts about how I do my couponing for anyone who is thinking of giving it a try, or veterans who want to take a peek into a fellow couponer's world! 

Have a beautiful thrifty day! 

1 comment:

Comments make me happy. Nice to know I'm not just sitting here talking to myself. So, thank you!