Monday, August 25, 2008

New Feature: Easy Deal of the Week!

I know that not too many people out there have a 3-ring binder containing every coupon from every Sunday paper from the last 6 months, so I wanted to post some deals for all of you sane people out there (the people who don't have the binder!). 

Each week I will post my Easy Deal of the Week- in fact, I may post more than one! This will be a deal where you can get something for free or really cheap (or even make some money off the deal!) by using coupons from the most recent Sunday paper or coupons printed from the internet. That way, everyone can enjoy great stuff for less!

I have a few of these deals up my sleeve for this week (free Glade Plug-Ins, free hot sauce...), so check back and I should have them posted soon...

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