Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Third Day of Valentines: 3 Roses

Thought I'd include this on the Lazy Organizer's Talk About Tuesday- check it out to see what others are talking about today...

Today I left him 3 roses (they're a little droopy b/c I got them as a manager's special at Kroger for $0.99 apiece, but I did some pruning and they turned out okay!) with a note that said, "3 blossoming roses for each of the 3 beautiful lives we have created together."

For the other two days of Valentines I've done so far, click here.


  1. You've inspired me to extend my Valentine's gifts to my husband through 14 days. Thank you for your wonderful ideas! I will look forward to them over the next 1.5 weeks, and may need to use some of your ideas. This week, my husband is in England, so I have to use email as my only method of delivery. So far, I've done 1 love note, a message about 2 becoming 1 (marriage vows), and the 3 people who are missing him.

  2. Angie, that is too sweet! What a great way to celebrate your love even when "your love" is far away. :-) Thanks for letting me know that I've inspired you!

  3. This is a sweet idea I bet your DH loves it


Comments make me happy. Nice to know I'm not just sitting here talking to myself. So, thank you!