Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Fifth Day of Valentines: Five Dollars

This one didn't require a lot of imagination- I just left a five-dollar bill for my husband so that he could grab something to eat while he's at work today. He is on the road a lot of the time, travelling to and from people's homes, and he doesn't like to spend money on fast food. He also rarely packs a lunch for himself (and I've tried to pack his lunch but he changes what he wants to eat every other day so I've given up!) so he often doesn't eat until he comes home for dinner. So $5 for food on the road is a nice treat for him.

I was going to be creative and fold the bill into a heart, but I ran out of time. Instead I just included another little love note. If you want to try the heart fold, I found a cool tutorial on how to do it on YouTube. Maybe next year...

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Comments make me happy. Nice to know I'm not just sitting here talking to myself. So, thank you!