Friday, January 16, 2009

Funny Friday: Eat at Your Own Risk

Image from be afraid, be very afraid!

I found this delightful site on Mormon Mommy Wars, another favorite blog of mine. This person managed to unearth a slew of Weight Watchers recipe cards from 1974. They are hilarious, and they are disturbing. If you get nauseous easily, I may recommend skipping this one. Included in this smorgasboard of wonder is "Fluffy Mackerel Pudding" and "Jellied Tomato Refresher." I kid you not. One more warning- the author's commentary contains some profanity. But honestly, I think some of it is justified. You just have to see these recipes. Disturbing. Really.

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Comments make me happy. Nice to know I'm not just sitting here talking to myself. So, thank you!