Friday, November 14, 2008

New Promo! And Friday Night is Date Night... has another promo code just in time for the holidays- $25 gift cards for $3! Just click on the link below and stock up for stocking stuffers or future date nights...

Now take 70% off $25 Gift Certificates and check out our New Inventory! Use code DESSERT and pay $3 through 11/17/08.
My hubby and I took advantage of the last great offer and we had a WONDERFUL date in downtown Richmond. The best part is that we got a full 3-course meal for about $15! When you use the gift cards (which are printable, by the way), you have to spend at least $35 to use them, so you get a BIG meal! I ordered one of the most expensive things on the menu at the restaurant, and since I knew we would need to order dessert as well to exceed the $35 mark, I only ate half my entree and saved the rest for my lunch the next day- two meals in one!

In short, the restaurant was great- wonderful atmosphere, fantastic food, and excellent service. We spent the rest of our date exploring Canal Walk and window shopping in some of the great boutiques and antique shops in the Cary Street area. It was a great, inexpensive date thanks to!

You have 3 days to get this deal...don't wait! I know I'll be stocking up!

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Comments make me happy. Nice to know I'm not just sitting here talking to myself. So, thank you!