Saturday, July 19, 2008

Quarter, Nickel, and Two Pennies

That's how much I spent at CVS this week! I had to go to a different store because I was hoping to get the photo book deal and my usual store said their Kodak kiosk wasn't working. The store I went to is notorious for being out of stock of deal items (must be more people like me in that area!) so I wasn't able to get some of the deals I wanted, like the Cheerios. Oh, and it ended up being a bummer too because their kiosk didn't have the software for the photo books.

But no problem, because I spent $11 in ECBs, $0.33 out of pocket, and I got all of this with $12.50 in ECBs in return that I'll use next time. The anti-itch spray was just something we needed- not on sale. :-)

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